The Travelport Tourism Teacher of the Year Award aims to give recognition to Tourism teachers who make a difference in the lives of his/her learners, make a difference in the schools where they teach, make a difference in the community where they teach and go beyond the call of duty in his/her teaching.
The Tourism Teacher of the Year Award has been initiated by the Global Travel and Tourism Partnership – South Africa (GTTP-SA) and was launched by the former Deputy Minister of Tourism, Tokozile Xasa in 2014. This award will provide an annual opportunity for Tourism teachers to receive national recognition for their outstanding contribution to Tourism education in South African high/secondary schools.
The 2019 award goes to:
Congratulations! Keep up the good work.
This annual flagship event hosted by three partners, the National Department of Tourism (NDT), the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Education Training Authority (CATHSSETA) and the North West Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT) provides an opportunity for tourism curricula experts to share information with tourism teachers and learners and for stakeholders within the sector to share information on diverse careers available in the sector. It is designed to bridge the information gap between the industry, government, learners and teachers under the theme, “BROADENING YOUR HORIZONS THROUGH TOURISM OPPORTUNITIES”.
The National Tourism Careers Expo (NTCE), in its eleventh year drives South Africa’s National Tourism Strategy’s goal of creating 225 000 tourism jobs opportunities by 2020.
GTTP-SA was there!
Congratulation to all winners!
Budapest, Hungary, Europe 22 – 28 September 2019
Three Tourism teachers from South Africa were given the opportunity by GTTP-SA and GTTP Hungary to attend the first international teacher training event in the history of the GTTP. According to the South African delegation, teachers from six countries brought and pulled together Tourism knowledge, skills and experience which will help to improve their teaching practice in the respective countries. The South African delegates will share the knowledge they gained with other teachers in South Africa.
Read what the three South African delegates had to say about their experiences:
Mr. Christo Fieland from Wellington, Western Cape.
Because I believe it is important to make the most of every opportunity in life, I grabbed this opportunity with gratitude when it came my way. I want to thank the Global Travel and Tourism Partnership South Africa (GTTP-SA) for this opportunity that has helped me to grow as a Tourism teacher. This training program gave me new and improved Tourism teaching skills and I learned more on how to apply them in the classroom. I have also gained communication techniques for professional development and learned how to connect better with groups. I realised the importance of accepting constructive criticism in order to develop as a teacher.
The training also gave me a better understanding that the subject Tourism is an interesting, fast growing and visual
subject. I have learned how to make excursions part of assessment and the importance of experience, reflection and
doing. While learning, we had the opportunity to explore one of the oldest cities in Europe which is also known as the best destination in Europe. Budapest is a destination with lots of historic buildings and attractions of great value. We had some time to explore the city and surrounds with the Big Bus Sightseeing, enjoyed a river cruise and also experienced the historic spa. This trip and training programme was one of the highlights of my career so far, and was an experience that I can take to my classroom and broaden the knowledge of my learners when teaching Tourism.
Ms. Alicia Etson from Cape Town
As a novice Tourism teacher I was granted an opportunity of a lifetime. When I started teaching I had some theoretical knowledge pertaining the Tourism industry, however, very little practical experience. Upon embarking on my journey to Budapest, Hungary, I was anxious and very uncertain as I did not know what to expect travelling abroad. My very first time travelling to a different continent. I had many questions about the “do’s” and “don’ts” of the country and importantly I wondered what the cuisine was like as I love food.
The GTTP training programme was very informative. There I met people from different countries and learned about their cultures and their school system. I also acquired new skills to implement in my classroom. Listening to the learner, making myself clear to the learner in what it is I want/expect from the learner and also to be very passionate when sharing the Passport To The World with my learners. I was introduced to the Future Learn website which contained very valuable information that can be a great aid, not only to teachers, but to the learners as well. Future Learn summarises content for learners to the T which could serve as a brilliant platform to help learners refresh their memory on content learned from grade 10-12. GTTP helped me gain practical travelling experience. I now know much more than I did before the training programme. What an experience! I am surely travelling again.
Ms. Anastasia de Waal from Cape Town
The Global Travel & Tourism Partnership awarded me an opportunity to travel to Budapest Hungary, to attend an international Tourism Teacher’s training programme. It was great to have worked with representatives of six countries (which included South Africa) exchanging ideas and practices in the teaching field. I have learned to appreciate being an agent of change at my school and in my country, as well as to improve my teaching methods and practices. On our trip, we were also able to explore the beautiful attractions in Budapest and engage with the locals. What an experience that was.
This trip has taught me that Tourism is an everchanging and growing subject and as a Tourism teacher you need to keep abreast with change and make your subject come alive in the classroom through your personal experiences, the experiences of your learners and most importantly, exposing learners to the Travel and Tourism industry in your city.
GTTP-SA National Director, Elsabé Engelbrecht recently published the first Tourism Dictionary/Encyclopedia for all South Africans working in Travel and Tourism. The writing of this 400 page book took her 7 years to complete and was inspired by the need for her Tourism learners to enhance their tourism vocabulary. The Dictionary is a must-have for anyone and everyone working in Travel & Tourism.
To page through the book or place orders, visit the Tourism Dictio-Pedia website:
Watch the video of the interview on SABC News in July 2019, shortly after the book was launched.
Entries close on 30 August 2019
For more information on how to enter, go to
GTTP-SA is going to the National Tourism Careers Expo in Rustenburg !!
The 2019 National Tourism Careers Expo for Tourism l;earners and teachers will be held at the Royal Marang Hotel in Rustenburg this year.
Dates: 19 – 21 September 2019
The Educators’ seminars will take place again this year. Tourism teachers do not miss this opportunity!
More about the EXPO
The National Tourism Careers Expo (NTCE), in its eleventh year and the second year in North West is a collaboration of three partners, namely, the Department of Tourism (NDT), the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Education Training Authority (CATHSSETA) and the North West Department of Tourism as a host province.
The event provides an opportunity for tourism curricula experts to share information with tourism educators and learners and for stakeholders within the sector to share information on diverse careers available in the sector. It is designed to bridge the information gap between the industry, government, learners and educators. Under the theme: “Broaden your horizon through tourism opportunities”, the expo aims to drive South Africa’s National Tourism Strategy’s goal of creating 225 000 tourism jobs opportunities by 2020.
This platform is meant to facilitate interaction between the above groups of people such that information and knowledge can be shared on available education and training opportunities as well as to show case available tourism professional opportunities and their worth in the South African and global economy.
Download all presentations, learning material and photos now.
Click on the NTEC Conference menu button on the home page.
For more photos and news, click on the Facebook icon on the home page.
The inaugural National Tourism Education Conference (a first for South Africa) was attended by 300 Tourism Teachers and 100 guests and can be considered a HUGE success.
The 4-day conference was held from 25 to 28 June 2019 during the school holidays in Kimberley due to the city’s central location in the country. The conference helped to develop much-needed Tourism expertise and build capacity within the education system. This in turn will result in better prepared young people leaving school with a much better chance of success in the higher education system or alternatively in the transition from school into the tourism industry.
Thank you to everyone who partnered with GTTP-SA to make this conference a huge success.
Why was there a need for the National Tourism Education Conference?
Tourism is one of the key economic drivers in South Africa and major role players globally are focusing on Africa, and South Africa in particular for expanding their products and services. Tourism is the vehicle for social and economic growth in South Africa and one in every five jobs are created by tourism.
The question…
Can the education system (schools that offer Tourism and Hospitality Studies as a grade 12 subject) supply a competent, skilled workforce who are digitally literate, inventive thinkers and effective communicators who can deliver high levels of productivity?
The direction…
Pro-active action was necessary and it had to start with capacitating Tourism teachers in order to produce the skilled, competent workforce South Africa’s tourism industry needs. The Global Travel and Tourism Partnership South Africa (GTTP-SA), in collaboration with private sector funders and government, hosted the first ever National Tourism Education Conference (NTEC) in Kimberley. The rationale for the conference was to capacitate 300 teachers from across South Africa to deliver the Tourism curriculum more successfully in the classroom. The conference focussed on four aspects, namely content training, quality assessment, IT skills development and interaction with industry. Teachers also receive certificates of participation that contributed to their annual CPTD score. (Education’s Personal Development Programme).
Elsabé Engelbrecht: National Director: GTTP-SA and Conference Director
Kevin Kruger: Deputy Conference Director
The National Tourism Careers Expo 2019 will be held at the Royal Marang Hotel, Rustenburg North West province on 19, 20 and 21 September 2019.
Remember to submit the 2019 competition entries before or on the due dates:
Clicking the red words will take you to the competition pages on our website.
Photo Competition: 30 May
Travel Writing essay Competition: 12 July
Research Competition: 26 July
Teacher of the Year Competition: 30 August
Sustainability Competition: 31 October
The dates for the trip to France (Research competition winners): 22 Nov – 28 Nob 2019